Let’s Move Interactive Infographic – Great Resource!

Let’s Move! Active Schools, the initiative to engage American youth in the recommended levels of physical activity at school, has recently released an interactive infographic that compiles resources, programming, training, and funding opportunities for all five realms of school-based physical activity: physical education, before and after school activity, staff involvement, family and community engagement, and, of course, during school activity.

The programs and resources listed in the “Physical Activity During School” component link to external sites, so that teachers can easily access information. While most of the listed programs and materials require purchase, it is a nice overview of available resources. (More of the resources are available at no cost than the programs, although some programs offer samples.) In addition, the options may spark ideas for increasing student movement that teachers could independently modify and implement in their own classrooms or schools. For those teachers who are interested in implementing activities that require funding, there is also a list of available grants to increase school-based physical activity.

This infographic is no longer available, as Let’s Move has been archived and replaced by Active Schools. For great infographics, check out the Active Schools “Tools to Make the Case” page, linked here.


2 thoughts on “Let’s Move Interactive Infographic – Great Resource!

  1. Hi,
    I was wondering if you could direct me to the infographic. I am keen to look at the resources you have and would like an overview before I do so.

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