e-Learning Opportunity: Classroom Physical Activity Video Series

In collaboration with the University of Nebraska Omaha’s School of Health and Kinesiology with funding from CHI Health, The Wellness Partners created an e-learning course for teachers and childcare providers for the purpose of increasing physical activity in the classroom. “While this information will always be applicable, special consideration was paid to current COVID-19 restrictions, including how to include physical activity in a virtual classroom setting.”

There are seven self-paced modules with supplemental videos:

  1. The Importance of Physical Activity
  2. Classroom Set-up and Design
  3. Behavior Management Planning
  4. Active Brain Breaks vs. Active Learning
  5. Additional Ways to be Physically Active
  6. Be the Physical Activity Advocate at Your School
  7. Virtual Classroom Physical Activity

Thanks to those involved in this project for disseminating these important, and timely, informational videos!

Check it out here: Classroom Physical Activity Video Series

Active Schools also provides some great video resources about classroom physical activity. Although they’re recorded prior to our current pandemic and don’t address the virtual classroom, they still offer beneficial ideas and insights. Check them out here: Active Classrooms Webinar Series Recordings and Presentation Slides


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