Remote Learning and Student Attention

In the expansive conversation surrounding COVID circumstances and educational challenges, many issues arise. I recently read an article entitled “How remote learning’s distractions put extra pressure on students with ADHD“, which offered yet another important perspective.

Within this article is the following story:

At first, [mother] asked her son to do his schoolwork before riding his bike. It was a big mistake.

“He was like, ‘Mom, I need the bike ride at the beginning of my day,’ ” she says. “And he was absolutely right.”

I applaud the child for recognizing this need, and the mother for understanding and accepting.  I would further suggest that this – the benefit of riding a bike prior to an online class session – is beneficial for every learner.  I would encourage parents and children to take advantage of the somewhat flexible scheduling surrounding remote learning to incorporate physical activity into the day.  Not only can it improve focus during educational time, it can support physical and psychological wellness.

To take a phrase from a colleague, “Yes, we can!”


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